DIfferent names:

  Kino Indian Kingtree Malabar in English and Pterocarpus Marsupium in Latin.

What is Kino Indian King Tree Malabar Herb?  And used?  And what are its benefits?

identity :

  Its tree is like a very tall sal tree.  It produces many small shoots like a cranberry tree, which are slightly bent by the weight of the fruit, flower.  The bark of its trunk is rough and fissured.  The bark of tender shoots is smooth and has white spots Vijaysar's glue is called Vijaysar.

Kino Indian Kingtree Malabar

  It is obtained by grafting trees in February-March.  While the flowers are out.  It dissolves well in distilled water or alcohol.  Its color is red 45x Sikh tree Malabar, Madras, Gujarat, Konspur, Nilgiri, Godavari (Mysore) Bihar Orissa, except hills of Sri Lanka.

 I happen a lot.  The leaves of this tree are five or seven leaves evenly spaced on the team's central jadi horns.

  They are similar in shape to pipal but much smaller than them.  Its flowers appear in early winter like small team flowers.

 The pods are round, nice and sugary, one and a half to two and a half inches long.

  Veggies are blue in shape, turn brown when ripe and dry.  In the middle of each pod is a small, smooth, almond-colored ring of some length.

  A kind of dried blood-like red gum oozes from the tree.  It is called Gumkino in English.

 This is especially true in medicine.

 In the Meiji area (Bombay) it is called Phaiai Gund and in Arabic it is called Dum-ul-Akhwa-in.


Kino Indian Kingtree Malabar

r wood is very strong and hence used in construction works.

  In Ayurvedic books, there is also a variety of it called Nil Vijaya Sara, whose seeds are blue in color.


  Thirdly, cold and dry - food and without sorghum from one gram to one and a half grams.


  Its effect is almost equal to Lagbhang Katha.  It is mostly used in bloody hemorrhoids, polyuria, dysmenorrhoea and vipesh.

  Spray on fresh wounds to stop bleeding.  It contains tannins such as glue and other substances.

  Medicinally, aloe vera is also used at home and in saffron for diarrhea and dysentery.  According to Ayurvedic medicine, its use is useful in white spots and rashes.

  In addition, its use is also beneficial in stomach worms.  Its glue is used first to stop bleeding, to remove blood clots.

  Its wood is soaked in water and applied to relieve the pain of injury.  Keeping water in its wooden glass does not spoil the water.

  Kino Indian Kingtree Malabar features following:

 Poisonous diseases: Use of Vijaysar bark mixed with suitable triphala sofof in joshanda is beneficial.

 Boil 6 grams of wood and bark of Dard Chut Vijay Sar in 15 times water.  When 1/4 part is left, strain it and drink it after mixing it with whole milk and sweetening it with suitable sugar.  Relief comes after three or four doses.


 Applying the saffron oil mixed with mustard oil on the teeth relieves the toothache or gargling the buds with the leaves also has the same benefit.

 Grind the fresh bark of elephant foot (Yelpa) very finely, mix two grams and pure honey five grams and use it in the morning and evening for 40 days.  Boil potatoes, rice, etc.

 Anal sac:

  Dip the bark in water and coat it.  Useful for redness of the anus