swallow wort calotropis :

identity :

  It is a famous plant which is found in every region of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and also in Africa etc.  There are two types of this plant.  The red flowered variety is common but the white flowered variety is rare.  Alchemists are often looking for it.  Its plant is one and a half to two yards high.  The leaves are hairy.  It appears that they are covered with mud.  It makes milk from all its ingredients, which is called milk of lion or milk of aak.  Inside its fruit is a very soft cotton.  The flowers are spiny.  In the middle of the flower there is a notch which is called fire clove.

The leaves relieve pain so they are tied to swelling and joint pain.   If the poultice of its leaves is rubbed on the wounds, they heal quickly.  Milk of swallow wort calotropis mixed with olive oil is very beneficial if applied on baldness.   Applying equal weight of swallow wort calotropis milk and honey on ringworm is beneficial.


 The fourth level is hot and dry.  Branches, leaves and roots are hot dry in the third stage.  Flowers are second rate.


  The leaves of swallow wort calotropis relieve pain so bind them to swelling and joint pain.

  If the poultice of its leaves is rubbed on the wounds, they heal quickly.

 Milk of swallow wort calotropis mixed with olive oil is very beneficial if applied on baldness.

  Applying equal weight of swallow wort calotropis milk and honey on ringworm is beneficial.

 Swallow wort calotropis milk is very useful on venomous animals, sheep, bee or scorpion stings.  Drop by drop of milk on the place of snake bite removes fire, fire and poison.

 From an Ayurvedic point of view, all types of swallow wort calotropis are warming and astringent and relieve phlegm.

 It is useful for poison ivy, itchy boils and stomach ailments.

 Medicinal method Smoke of leaves of swallow wort calotropis is useful for patients with asthma.

  This herb sometimes produces a poisonous effect.  Milk in particular is highly toxic.  Antidote for swallow wort calotropis poisoning is useful by mixing ghee and egg in milk.

  Place each in the patient's mouth.  After a while its color will turn white.  Throw it away and keep it fresh every time, as long as the herd is white, assume that the poison is still active.  So do it repeatedly, when the hara stays on its color, the effect of the poison will go away.

Epilepsy  Hemorrhoids |  Wound Treatment

  Amount of food:

  Swallow wort calotropis milk one rati, dry wort sufof durti, root bark 1 riti and flowers one riti.  Who can use chickpeas or bark for three to four mashas in Shanda. The following recipes prepared by fire are very easy and effective, make them and take advantage of them.

 Cholera medicine:

 Peeled root swallow wort calotropis, black pepper are taken in equal weight in ginger water to make pea pills.

 Feed the cholera patient one pill at an interval of half an hour.  Giving two or three tablets gives relief.

Digestive Medicines:

 Clove of swallow wort calotropis flower, Black pepper one tola, Sahagah six masha, Nosha dar six masha, Salt Sonchar one tola.  Grind all the medicines in ginger juice and make pills the size of peas.  Good for indigestion, stomach ache and cholera

 Is.  It is useful for various diseases of digestion in proper way.

 Abdominal pain:

 Flowers of swallow wort calotropis five tola, Nowshadar, Clove, Sonth, Pipal, Black pepper, Sambhar salt black salt, Lahori salt, Sendha salt, Celery six masha each, Fennel one tola.  Make pills equal to wild berries according to the recipe.  Useful for stomach ache and flatulence.

 Cholera medicine:

  Swallow wort calotropis bud, which is not yet open, one tola, 9 mashas of red peach pepper, 3 mashas of pure opium, make pills the size of peas.  These tablets are useful in the last stage of cholera.  Oil paralysis: Pour the oil in a frying pan and keep it on fire, add one hundred leaves of swallow wort calotropis alternately and cook it.  Remove the burnt leaves and finally clean the oil.  It is very useful to massage this oil in a lukewarm manner in paralysis, congestive heart failure, and caution.


 Milk swallow wort calotropis two tolas, nosha in six mashas, ​​lime water three mashas, ​​glycerin three mashas, ​​mix together and make an ointment and store in a bottle.  If necessary, apply four ratti on the sting of the scorpion.  Relax in seconds.

 Wound Treatment:

  Bark root swallow wort calotropis one part dried, resin three parts, katha four parts, grind all three finely and sieve and spread on cleansed wounds to heal.  Take 12 Sangha of Pneumonia as needed and dry it with your milk and put it in a potter's pot after making a jar of flowers in the street.  Remove when cool.  If it is not completely white the first time, then dry it again and fire it again.  The boat will be white.  Grind and store.  Useful for pneumonia and chest pains besides back pain.  Give the dose from one rati to the other.

  Total Food for Hemorrhoids:

 Wash the flowers of swallow wort calotropis and mix well with hands with triple sugar.  When it becomes one, put it in a jar and keep it in the sun.  The tall swallow wort calotropis is prepared.  This Gulkand is useful for adult cough, asthma, joint pain and piles.  Dose: Use one to two tablets

Epilepsy medicine:

 Take the stem of the swallow wort calotropis tree and seal it in a vial.  When it is dry, mix black pepper powder with it.  Very useful for epilepsy.  Use as snuff while visiting.


  Feed swallow wort calotropis leaves to healthy young goats instead of other food.  After feeding this food for ten days, start feeding its milk to the asthmatic patient.  On the day of treatment, start feeding the other goats with fire leaves.  After drinking the milk of the first goat for ten days, leave the bakery and start milking the second goat.  In this way, drink the milk of four goats for ten days and complete forty days.  It completely cures asthma.  Feed a goat with your leaves for just one day and feed it with milk for ten days.  Feeding fire leaves to a single goat for forty-five days produces the poisonous effect of fire inside the goat.  Think about it. Boats made from fire

 Kashta Bara Sanga:

  Take bara sanga as much as required and dip it in the milk of fire to such an extent that an uncle of milk comes on top of it.  In the same way, dry and dry three times and fire seven times in the same way.  It will be destroyed.  This kushta is very useful for tuberculosis.  Feed a Rati Kishta along with Arak Gao Zanb and Ijaz Syrup and Nilofar.  Kishta Chandi: Two tola each of lions and horses, grind both and coat them on silver leaf.  When dry, recoat.  Discontinue all medicines in the same way.  Later, after grinding the bark of the pipal finely, keep the mentioned silver stones in it and put it on fire for twelve days of mature uppals.  The boat will be ready.