Diabetes - The Silent Killer

 Diabetes i.e. sugar is called the silent killer because it is a single disease that causes various diseases. Generally, most of the people suffering from type 2 diabetes do not know that they are suffering from diabetes. Physical breakdowns and changes in daily routine can be mistaken for fatigue and work load as back pain. Below are some of the symptoms of this disease that indicate that you have diabetes. In such a case, a check-up should be done and treatment should be started to prevent its effects from increasing further.

Diabetes i.e. sugar is called the silent killer because it is a single disease that causes various diseases. Generally, most of the people suffering from type 2 diabetes do not know that they are suffering from diabetes. Physical breakdowns and changes in daily routine can be mistaken for fatigue and work load as back pain. Below are some of the symptoms of this disease

 Excessive urination

 The first silent symptom is an excess of urine. The body of a diabetic patient does not do a good job of converting food into sugar, as a result of which the amount of sugar in the blood increases and the body excretes it through the urine, so the diabetic patient has to go to the bathroom frequently. Patients ignore this silent symptom as normal, but the problem arises when they have to go to the bathroom more than two or three times a night and sleep is disturbed. In such a case, it should be understood that the death is unusual.

 Feeling thirsty

 Frequent urination increases thirst. In case of not quenching thirst with water, they usually use cold drinks and juices, which is very dangerous. As soon as you feel these two symptoms, you should be alert and consult a doctor.

Diabetes i.e. sugar is called the silent killer because it is a single disease that causes various diseases. Generally, most of the people suffering from type 2 diabetes do not know that they are suffering from diabetes. Physical breakdowns and changes in daily routine can be mistaken for fatigue and work load as back pain. Below are some of the symptoms of this disease

Bladder infection

 Frequent bladder infections are one of the symptoms of diabetes. High sugar content in the urine causes bacterial overgrowth, which increases the risk of bladder infection. In case of recurrent infection, get a sugar test for timely diagnosis and treatment.

 Feeling tired and hungry

 A diabetic patient has an increased desire to eat sweets or sugar. He has sudden hunger pangs, tends to eat foods rich in carbohydrates. This is all a natural process. According to experts, if the blood sugar level in the body becomes too high, it becomes a problem to regulate it. When a diet rich in carbohydrates is consumed, the amount of insulin in the patient's body increases and the glucose level falls immediately. The result is weakness. As a result, the patient remains tired and lethargic.

Delayed wound healing

Diabetes i.e. sugar is called the silent killer because it is a single disease that causes various diseases. Generally, most of the people suffering from type 2 diabetes do not know that they are suffering from diabetes. Physical breakdowns and changes in daily routine can be mistaken for fatigue and work load as back pain. Below are some of the symptoms of this disease

 In diabetes, the immune system that helps heal wounds does not function properly due to increased blood sugar levels, resulting in wounds and injuries taking longer to heal than usual. This is also a major symptom of diabetes that people ignore by saying that the wound or injury was deep etc.

 Deadness in the feet and torment in the legs

 As mentioned earlier, this disease does not appear immediately, but symptoms appear which indicate that you have been suffering from diabetes. Pain in the legs, restless legs and tingling or numbness in the feet is also one of the silent symptoms of diabetes.

 Blurred vision

 Diabetes increases the amount of glucose in the eye and temporarily changes its structure. It takes four to six weeks, and in some people eight weeks, for a patient's sugar level to stabilize. As sugar levels stabilize, the texture returns to normal and the dullness starts to disappear, but this may be temporary. If sugar is not controlled, there is a fear of damage to the membranes of the eyes. Therefore, when some symptoms appear, do a sugar test immediately to prevent further deterioration by timely treatment.


 Its symptoms are somewhat similar to hypertension and depression. When blood sugar is out of control, nothing feels good. Everything feels disgusted. The patient becomes irritable, irritable, or suddenly becomes angry. Being tired, not feeling well, being upset about everything and wanting to sleep all the time indicates diabetes. Also, the mood sometimes becomes pleasant or good. So it is better to get diabetes tested instead of blood pressure.

 These are all the symptoms that indicate that you have suffered from diabetes. So, instead of delaying, consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the right medicine and save yourself from further deterioration.